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The ERDF Heroes and Heroines

ERDF Hereos

Each funding priority for the funding period 2014-2020 is represented by ERDF Heroes:

Emil Builds
Felicia Innovates
Ruth Finances
Eco protects the Climate
ERDF superhero crafting sheets


Our representative for urban development in the state of Bremen

Emil is our master builder who is active in the field of urban development. As part of the ERDF programme 2014-2020, EMIL is deployed in Bremen-Gröpelingen and Bremerhaven-Lehe. His aim is to promote the economic development at the local level of the neighborhoods and the people living there. This also includes supporting local resident enterprises and promoting people's training and employability for these businesses.

This is why EMIL focuses on projects that invest in education and employment and help stabilize local economies. He supports district initiatives, local support centers and educational landscapes as well as advisory activities for the district economy.

Emil is our master builder, active in urban development. Find out what
EMIL and ERDF are doing in Bremen.


Our representative for innovation in the state of Bremen

Felicia, our astronaut, is engaged in research and innovation. As part of the ERDF programme 2014-2020, Felicia has set herself the task of initiating innovation and research projects to strengthen the growth and competitiveness of companies in the state of Bremen.

She is working in two areas. She supports the establishment and expansion of application-oriented research institutions, with focal points in which the state of Bremen has particular strengths and competencies, such as aerospace or wind energy. In addition, she supports research, development and innovation projects so that Bremen companies can develop and launch new products, processes or services.

Felicia, our astronaut, is engaged in research and innovation. Find out
what Felicia and ERDF are doing in Bremen.


Our representative for SME promotion in the state of Bremen

Ruth is our scout who supports small and medium-sized businesses and supports start-ups. As part of the 2014-2020 ERDF programme, Ruth is in charge of granting investment loans. This allows companies with low equity and low collateral to implement investment projects, such as the purchase of new machines or the construction of more efficient production processes. She supports micro-projects of start-ups, freelancers, cooperatives and micro-enterprises with micro-loans.
Ruth also supports consulting and coaching offers with the BRUT program to make it easier for start-up founders to take their own steps.

Ruth is our scout who supports small and medium sized businesses and
helps you with financing. Find out what Ruth and ERDF are doing in Bremen.


Our representative for climate protection in the state of Bremen

Eco, our CO2 cleaner, is in the field of climate protection and CO2 reduction. As part of the ERDF programme 2014-2020, Eco helps companies in discover energy and savings potential. That's why Eco supports information and advisory services in this area, helping companies implement investment projects that help save energy, such as: the use of energy-saving machine and process technologies, resource-friendly building and plant technologies, the insulation of the building, efficient and regenerative energy generation, and the use of renewable energies.

In addition, he helps with the implementation of climate protection concepts that focus on individual urban areas in the state of Bremen. The interaction of individual projects in the areas of energy-efficient building renovation, energy supply and distribution, land use, infrastructure, mobility and logistics should be improved by bundling in overall concepts.

ERDF Heroes to build yourself

Build your own ERDF Hero. Simply download the crafting sheet, print it and off you go!

The craft sheets are available for download here:

crafting sheet ECO-CLAMATE CHANGE (pdf, 7.9 MB)
crafting sheet FELICIA-INNOVATION (pdf, 5.6 MB)
crafting sheet RUTH-SME (pdf, 5.7 MB)
crafting sheet EMIL-URBAN DEVELOPMENT (pdf, 15.4 MB)