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  • UniPower


Universal power manager of the future with integrated protective function, energy storage and health monitoring

Futuristische Flugzeugkabine

The UniPower project of AES GmbH and Bremen University aims to develop a compact and configurable power management system for aircraft cabins.

It is to link up the high voltage direct current network with the electricity consumers.

ERDF Bremen 2014 - 2020
Degree of priority / area of funding
Priority Axis 6 - REACT EU
Crisis management and transformation to a greener and digital economy
Total volume of money (in €)
Proportion of funds
of which ERDF funding: 143.999,75 €
01.02.2022 - 30.06.2023
City of Bremen
Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH
Domshof 14/15
28195 Bremen
Tel.: +49 0421 96 00-397
Fax: +49 0421 96 00-840

Power management system

In this project of AES GmbH and Bremen University, a compact and configurable power management system is to be developed for aircraft cabins which links up the high voltage direct current network with the electricity consumers.

At the same time, several necessary functionalities are to be integrated: energy transformation/storage, safety devices, health monitoring for overriding predictive maintenance systems and configurable power management.

These points represent a technical challenge, since no, or only rudimentary, solutions exist on the aviation market.
The system is to provide an all-in-one solution in order to achieve a high efficiency rating. The related fuel savings cut both operating costs and emissions of pollutants.

AES GmbH is an internationally renowned service and product provider to the aviation sector. Its range of activities covers electrical design services and the development of electronic products for aircraft cabins.

The project is financed from funding from the European Union – REACT-EU – as part of the EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.