Airport City
The mill on the wall
Höövt harbour
Hanseatic cog
Local Culture
Seaside Zoo
City Port Bremerhaven
Bremerhaven fishing port
In the suburb of Vegesack in the north of Bremen, there is an attractive location in terms of urban planning between the mouth of the Lesum, Vegesack port and the railway station, right by the pedestrian precinct: a site previously used by the Lürssen shipyard which is being redeveloped for a new use. Support from the RENAVAL Community Initiative and Objective 2 (1992/93) was used to fund an international architectural competition and the first site development measures. This resulted in the Höövt Harbour project, an urban planning project focused on services, culture, tourism, leisure, catering and retailing, and subtitled Waterside Experience. An old port warehouse, which was still on the site and was subject to a preservation order, was included in the overall concept. Remains of the oldest man-made quay wall in Bremen were discovered during the work and were integrated into the project. The planning of the project also included further elements to integrate the site into the centre of Vegesack and to improve the transport links, such as a line of retail outlets to connect the two areas, a maritime area for tourism, the reshaping of the railway station area and transport measures. NEXT
Work began on realising the Airport 2000 concept in the early 1990s. The Airport 2000 concept was intended to boost the capacity of the airport and to adapt the overall facility – including its appearance – to future needs. The plans involved remodelling the departure/arrivals terminal, improving the tram link to the airport, building a new hotel (with conference rooms) and a multi-storey car park, as well as the relocation of existing buildings necessitated by this. Also, room for expansion for high-tech commerce close to the airport was to be created. NEXT
Kultur vor Ort (Local Culture) is a project of the URBAN I Community Initiative set up in 1997 in order to encourage the people of Gröpelingen to identify more with their suburb. The Kultur vor Ort concept aims to stimulate economic development in Gröpelingen by improving the area's cultural opportunities. NEXT
The building formerly used by the works council of A.G. Weser shipyard became an URBAN 1 project in 1995 (12 years after the yard's closure). Artists had illegally occupied the building and were using it as a venue for events and exhibitions. This use formed the basis for the new concept, which was developed by Lichthaus e.V. (a registered association of artists) together with Bremische Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung, Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsbau mbH. The concept was realised via a public-private partnership which redeveloped the Lichthaus for its new purpose. The name of the Lichthaus (lighthouse) derives from the windows in the roof. NEXT
The Coherence Fund is an attempt to integrate the ERDF regional fund and the ESF social fund more closely. The Coherence Fund aims to provide a direct and mutual complement to ERDF and ESF support and to increase the effectiveness of the spending of both funds, e.g. by backing investment projects with training measures or vice versa. Both of the funds must be involved before any disbursement can be approved. The Coherence Fund has been a firm element of Bremen's Objective 2 support since 1992. NEXT
The programme to promote near-application environmental technologies (PFAU) particularly supports small and medium-sized companies as they develop innovative environmental protection technologies. This assistance for innovative commercial projects aims to promote structural change, to modernise production and products, and to improve the regional environmental situation. The support is particularly intended to reduce what is in many cases a high technical and commercial risk for the applicant companies. NEXT
Bremerhaven's fishing port was established in 1886. Despite its turbulent history, the fishing port is still Europe's main centre for fish processing and production, particularly for frozen foods. The development of the law of the sea and the severe crises in the fisheries sector in the 1970s and 1980s, which resulted in a drastic reduction of the fishing fleet, did not leave Bremerhaven unaffected. NEXT
For over 400 years, the Schlachte was Bremen´s main harbour and the source of income for many hostelries, inns and superior hotels. Only in 1887, when the river Weser was deepened and the new port facilities came into use, did the Schlachte finally cease to be used as a harbour and for handling merchandise. NEXT
Bremerhaven´s Seaside Zoo, which is now over 70 years old, is to have a thorough overhaul. The zoo is to be expanded in three stages at a cost of more than € 20 million and adapted to today´s zoo-keeping standards, and is to form an element of the world of experience offered by the New and Old Harbours. NEXT
Following the development of the part of the Geeste riverbank located to the south of the Geeste bridge to open it up for more tourism (North Sea Museum, mooring places for passing boats), the city of Bremerhaven decided to improve the northern part of the riverbank as well. The development area of the northern Geeste riverbank comprised the area between the Geeste riverbank and Deichstrasse. By improving the link to the nearby city centre, the intention was to put the conditions in place for an expansion of interaction and thus also for increased commercial utilisation of the area. In addition, connections were established to the Old and New Harbours. Whilst routes between the rivers Weser and Geeste did already exist, they were not very attractive in urban planning terms, and so they were hardly accepted or used by the people of Bremerhaven. NEXT
The Mill on the Wall was built in 1833 and became the property of the city in 1891. Up until 1947 it was used as a mill for grain, as originally envisaged. The mill is situated on one of the former bastions of the city walls. The idea of converting the mill stems from the mid-1990s and was part of the Boulevard am Wall project, set up to enhance Bremen´s city centre. The aim was to develop this little-used but very attractive area of the city centre and to include catering outlets to attract tourists. NEXT