In the period up to 2016, the EcoMaT technology centre (Centre for eco-efficient Materials & Technologies) will be built in the Airport City as a central project in the context of the cluster strategy. In co-operation with Airbus, EcoMaT is to provide a central, cross-cluster perspective for Bremen-based companies and research establishments for the field of materials and lightweight construction, to the benefit of the aerospace sector in particular.
In addition to the anchor tenants, Airbus and the fibre institute FIBRE, other companies and research establishments in the aerospace, wind and automotive sectors and the maritime industry will also move in so that they can work together under one roof on research into lightweight construction and new materials.
If the project is to succeed, it is vital to define, test and evaluate processes, content and structures of co-operation between the future tenants and project partners at an early stage. For this reason, in parallel to the planning of the building and its infrastructure, work is also being done on networking the key players and developing the EcoMaT’s substantive profile.
To this end, the package of measures consisting of the following four modules is to be implemented between mid-2013 and the end of 2014 with the aid of ERDF funding:
In order to intensify the co-operation between the lead companies, research establishments and SMEs, the formation of networks is to be fostered via the holding of thematic workshops, information events and also individual advisory sessions and coaching services. The aim is to give SMEs direct access to the technology and market trends in Bremen’s innovative clusters without their having to bear financial risks at the preliminary R&D stages.
The structured networking of all the relevant players is to be initiated by the formation of an EcoMaT support association by the time the building work begins. This association is to serve as an information and communication platform for the dialogue among the partners, and at the same time is to form an institutionalised framework for the development of structures for projects and co-operation. The development of the EcoMaT research agenda is also to take place in this context, reflecting the key issues and the projects relating to these and serving to define thematic interfaces within the network. The aim of the formation of networks is to shape the future co-operation among the partners whilst the EcoMaT is still under construction, so that a flying start can be made as soon as it comes into operation.
In order to co-ordinate the activities to develop the EcoMaT and the themes of lightweight construction and innovative materials, a co-ordination office is to be established at WFB.
The packaging of the activities by the co-ordination office should also foster the image and marketing of Bremen as a base for technology in the field of innovative materials, new materials and lightweight construction. Advertising material will be produced, and a website will be designed in co-operation with the partners in order to provide a good overview of the expertise and projects in Bremen, as well as to provide a platform for the exchange of information among the partners. Participation in relevant trade fairs will be a further major activity in the field of marketing/ PR. Also, the press work and the marketing efforts are to focus on the progress in the construction of the building and the infrastructure for the EcoMaT.
Wirkungs[-]gebiet: | Umsetzungsort: | Volumen insgesamt (EFRE-Programm): | davon öffentliche Mittel: | davon EFRE-Mittel: |
Bremen | Bremen center | 750.000 € | 750.000 € | 637.500 €[ |