The aim of the Bremerhavener Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (Bremerhaven Innovation and Start-up Centre, BRIG) is to improve the start-up conditions for innovative small and medium-sized companies which receive organisational, commercial and technical support here whilst they are building up their business. The BRIG also regards itself as an information and technology exchange for the companies based there and for the region, and as a moderator in the processes of innovation.
The BRIG fosters and launches co-operation between the companies and the academic institutions and the business promotion agencies of the city of Bremerhaven and thus supports technology-oriented projects and the development of innovative knowledge-based services. The BRIG aims to provide favourable start-up conditions for innovative young companies and in this way to create new, high-grade jobs. The provision of low-cost and attractive business accommodation coupled with a comprehensive range of services like conference and meeting rooms, a cafeteria, office infrastructure and manufacturing areas is a significant and well-tried instrument of technology transfer to promote innovative, knowledge-based start-ups in Bremerhaven. The backing provided by BRIG GmbH is intended to assist the operation and development of the BRIG.
The aim of the Bremerhavener Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (Bremerhaven Innovation and Start-up Centre, BRIG) is to improve the start-up conditions for innovative small and medium-sized companies which receive organisational, commercial and technical support here whilst they are building up their business. The BRIG also regards itself as an information and technology exchange for the companies based there and for the region, and as a moderator in the processes of innovation.
The BRIG fosters and launches co-operation between the companies and the academic institutions and the business promotion agencies of the city of Bremerhaven and thus supports technology-oriented projects and the development of innovative knowledge-based services. The BRIG aims to provide favourable start-up conditions for innovative young companies and in this way to create new, high-grade jobs. The provision of low-cost and attractive business accommodation coupled with a comprehensive range of services like conference and meeting rooms, a cafeteria, office infrastructure and manufacturing areas is a significant and well-tried instrument of technology transfer to promote innovative, knowledge-based start-ups in Bremerhaven. The backing provided by BRIG GmbH is intended to assist the operation and development of the BRIG.
Area of impact: | Place of implementation: | Total project volume (ERDF-Programme): | of which public-sector funding: | of which ERDF-funding: |
Stadt Bremerhaven | Stadt Bremerhaven | 921.000€ | 921.000€ | 460.500€[ |
This project focus on innovation an is supported by our heroine Felicia